• Dr. Eric Cunningham   Dr. Eric Cunningham, Superintendent of HCS

     “For every student in North Carolina, a knowledgeable, skilled, compassionate teacher...a star in every classroom.”

             - NC Professional Teaching Standards (Revised May 2, 2013)

    The purpose of professional learning is for educators to develop the knowledge, skills, practices, and dispositions they need to help students perform at higher levels, which is "the work" of all educators.

    Halifax County Schools believes a strong relationship exists between the quality of education provided to students and the competency and training of all personnel employed by the district.  The district places a high priority on securing the most competent personnel available, and once they are employed, we aim to provide them with ongoing opportunities for professional growth and development.   

    As educators, we are lifelong learners, and "the work" that we do impacts the lifelong learning of generations to come.  Our participation in professional learning communities, regional roundtables, coursework, conferences, in-service, webinars, book talks, and scholarly articles continues to refine and empower our ability to address the diverse needs in the classroom.  However, it is equally important that each educator shares awareness and a working knowledge of the district's foundational orientations, protocols, and job-embedded professional development requirements to enhance their work performance. The professional learning listing emphasizes such acclimation. You are provided the opportunity to learn about the implementation of curriculum & instruction, elementary & secondary programs, state-legislated classroom initiatives, grant-related partnerships, and district classroom protocols.    

    It is important to know that the district's varying approaches to professional learning are nestled in a professional learning community culture that provides for direct coaching, mentoring, reflective supervision, thought partners, lesson study, and technical assistance. All staff are encouraged to begin the school year with the end in mind.  With that beginning said, aim to finish the year strong. Ensure your growth goals align with your area's certification standards; then, collaborate with your administrator to design an action plan.  Collect evidence throughout the year documenting your growth towards achieving each goal.  Continuing education units (CEUs) are awarded for the completion of required professional development coursework, on-demand modules, boot camps, and participation in state/district training and regional roundtables.  For additional professional development opportunities and support, join the various content area listservs offered by the NC Department of Public Instruction (www.dpi.nc.state.us).    
