Welcome to Curriculum, Instruction, & Accountability (CIA)!
CIA is the district’s academic hub for “Charting a New Course” to Student Achievement. We provide K-12 instructional leaders access to promising practices, relevant planning tools, tiered curriculum resources, and professional development opportunities -to enhance the foundation of a sound basic education in a blended academic learning environment.
Halifax County Schools (HCS) seeks to provide its scholars with the best educational experiences possible to secure their dynamic future. As advocates for the goal of increased student achievement, CIA supports a mindset of alignment and continuous improvement. We are committed to the facilitation of ongoing support and promotion of growth towards improved student outcomes. Therefore, the alignment of curriculum & instruction, assessments, and content innovations (across all grade levels) is encouraged to address scholars’ diverse needs and a changing workforce. We certainly take pride in collaborating and serving elementary and secondary educators in their quest to maximize teaching and learning.
Classroom teachers are expected to know the content they teach, how students learn, and the importance of data-driven decision-making to effectively differentiate instruction. Thusly, the evidence of effective teaching must be perceivable by the teacher to ensure that learning is occurring. CIA is consistently pursuing innovations to improve student achievement with the support of research-based approaches and interventions. Here, you’ll find an expanding toolkit of support and guidance for teaching the NC Standard Course of Study (NC SCOS), administering diagnostic assessments, differentiated lesson planning, blended learning options, delivery of explicit and systematic instruction, and access to social-emotional learning resources to educate the whole child.
Best regards for a successful school year. I look forward to hearing from you. To share your best practices and comments, please use the following contact link: battlet@halifax.k12.nc.us.
Cheers -conceive, believe, achieve!
Dr. Tyrana Battle, Assistant Superintendent