Remote Learning Hub

  • Dear Parents & Guardians,

    Welcome to HCS’ Remote Learning Hub! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re “Charting A New Course” of online learning to assist you with the challenges of educating our students from their homes.  We’re engaging the use of technology and practice packets to leverage the impact of students’ remote learning experiences.  This academic site is made available to our school community to provide supplemental resources for the planning of elementary & secondary distant-learning activities. Here, you will find elementary and secondary resources that support the learning of reading, writing, math, science and the arts. We’ve also included the NC Standard Course of Study Quick Reference Guide (per grade level) to inform your selection of grade-level resources. Click K-12 Online Learning to access these resources. See image below.  If you have questions about how to use this site, please call our COVID-19 Assistance Hotline at 252-486-1199 for support. Please continue to encourage your children to approach their new learning routine with the same persistence as they would in the classroom. We’re cheering them on from afar: Conceive, Believe, Achieve!

    Dr. Tyrana Battle,
    Assistant Superintendent of Management & Accountability
