MTSS Tiered Instructional Support
Question: What is "support"? (What is Support?)
Answer: Environmental, curricular, instructional practices, and resources that are effective for students. The HCS' MTSS framework organizes academic, behavior, attendance, and social-emotional learning supports under those three areas.
The HCS encourages fidelity to the implementation of the following within each schools implementation of NC MTSS:
- NC K-12 Standard Course of Study (SCOS)
- Use of the district's approved evidence-based core curriculums, and supplemental and intensive interventions with an emphasis on differentiated instructional practices, 5-essential components of reading, conceptual mathematics, 8-mathematical practices, and 5-E science delivery.
- Minimum of 90-minute reading and math instructional blocks at the elementary level
- Whole/small group and one-to-one differentiated lesson planning
- Explicit & systematic instructional delivery with an emphasis on “I Do, We Do, You Do” rigorous engagement
- Data-driven small group acceleration and remediation
- Tiered instructional models
- ELA Literacy Framework
Tier I Instruction (Universal)
Provided to all students; implemented with fidelity prior to addressing practices for Tier II or III; use of evidence-based instruction. Instruction is systematic, direct, explicit, engaging, success-oriented —and promotes achievement for all students. For 80% of the students, generally, Tier 1 is sufficient to access the core curriculum and be successful.
Tier II Instruction (Targeted)
Additional evidence-based supplemental and intervention supports are provided to remediate or accelerate student success. For 15% of the students, generally, Tier II is sufficient to access the core curriculum and be successful.
Tier III Instruction (Intensive)
Individually-responsive supports are developed based on individual needs. For the 5% of students for whom Tier I and Tier II instruction were insufficient to access the curriculum, additional evidence-based instructional approaches and resources are made available. Individually-responsive supports are intended to further remediate or accelerate student success and do not necessarily equate to special education services. For 5% of the students, generally, Tier III is sufficient to access the core curriculum and be successful.
Beyond Tier III Instruction (Referrals for Exceptional Services)
Any students not successfully accessing the core curriculum, after Tier III interventions are referred for the assessments required to receive special education services. Once qualified for special education services, these students are provided with specific, intensive, individualized services. Care is taken to not deprive students of Tier I core instruction.
Fidelity to the implementation process requires the sustaining of six critical components of the NC Multi-Tiered System of Supports (NC MTSS) in alignment with the NC SCOS, Whole Child Approach, and Exceptional Children guidance to ensure college, career, and community readiness for all students.