• Kindergarten Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    I.  Are children required to enroll in kindergarten?

    NC public schools must offer kindergarten, but children are NOT required to attend. According to NC Article 26. Attendance. Part 1. Compulsory Attendance. Policy: 115C-378. Children required to attend, section (a) states:

    "Every parent, guardian or custodian in this State having charge or control of a child between the ages of seven and 16 years shall cause the child to attend school continuously for a period equal to the time which the public school to which the child is assigned shall be in session. Every parent, guardian, or custodian in this State having charge or control of a child under age seven who is enrolled in a public school in grades kindergarten through two shall also cause the child to attend school continuously for a period equal to the time which the public school to which the child is assigned shall be in session unless the child has withdrawn from school."

    2.  Is full-day kindergarten required?

    North Carolina school districts are required by statute to fund full-day kindergarten programs for all eligible students. By law, kindergarten programs must be offered 185 days or 1,025 hours per year, which translates to around 5.5 hours per day.

    3. What is the current age requirement?

    For a child to be eligible for kindergarten in North Carolina, he or she must have turned 5 on or before August 31. The compulsory school age in North Carolina is 7 years old.

    4. Are there early entry rules for kindergarten?

    Children who do NOT meet the age requirement are allowed to “opt in” in North Carolina if they have already been enrolled in kindergarten in another state. In addition, students who are age 4 by April 16 can be granted an age waiver for early entrance to kindergarten if they are deemed gifted and talented, and approved by the school principal. The parent needs to add a written request for early entrance to the kindergarten application and supporting evidence for gifted and talented.  The principal needs to share the parent request and necessary documentation with the elementary director prior to the decision to place.  

    5. Is immunization required to begin kindergarten? If so, are there exemptions?

    In order to attend school in North Carolina, students must have proof of all required immunizations (or a valid exemption as discussed below). Required immunizations include DTaP, polio, MMR, hepatitis B, and varicella. See the list of required vaccinations here.

    North Carolina law provides for both medical and religious exemptions from required immunizations for school attendance. Medical exemptions can only be requested by a physician who is licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina. For religious exemptions, the parent or guardian must write a formal statement of their religious objection to immunization and submit that statement to the school

    6.  Are there pre-entrance testing/screening requirements?

    Beginning in the 2014–2015 school year, all students entering kindergarten must in the first 30 days of school, undergo a developmental screening that assesses early language, literacy, and math skills. In addition, a kindergarten entry assessment must be given within 60 days of enrollment that assesses the 5 essential domains of school readiness: language and literacy development, cognition and general knowledge approach toward learning, physical well-being and motor development, and social/emotional development.

    7. What is the maximum teacher-to-student ratio in the kindergarten classroom?

    The recommended teacher-to-student ratio in North Carolina is 1 teacher to 18 students, and this is the maximum ratio that’s funded. However, class sizes can by law be a bit bigger than 18: up to 1:21 maximum.

    8.  What are the Early Learning State Standards

    In North Carolina, there are Early Learning Standards for preschool students that are aligned with K-12 state standards. These standards focus both on core subjects and on areas of emotional and social development.

    All of these laws and requirements are reviewed in great detail on the North Carolina State Board of Education and North Carolina Department of Public Instruction websites.
